A few days ago, the author learned from the "GB 4806.1-2016 General Requirements for Food Contact Materials" that, in the case of disposable packaging products that are in direct contact with food, the packaging labels must be marked: "Food Contact" or "Food Packaging".
Starting from October 19, the mandatory national standard "GB 4806.1-2016 General Requirements for Food Contact Materials" was formally implemented. As a disposable plastic cup, bowl, paper cup, paper bowl, straw and other products that are in direct contact with food, they must be pressed. This standard is implemented.
The new regulations require product labels to be labeled: "food contact" or "food packaging" instructions or spoon chopsticks logo.
In addition, the name, material, manufacturer, address, contact information, production date, execution standard, production license number (XK), and usage instructions (such as operating temperature, applicable substances, microwave availability, etc.) must be added. Separated from its minimum sales package. Products that have special requirements for use should indicate the method of use, precautions for use, purpose of use, use environment, operating temperature, etc.
Professor Wen Chao of polymer specialty at Huazhong University of Science and Technology reminded the public that plastic bowls and paper bowls would migrate harmful substances into foods in contact with food, thus causing harm to people's health.
It is understood that plastic bowls and paper bowls are managed by the quality supervision department in the field of production. If violations are found, the quality supervision department will punish them; the circulation area will be managed by the industrial and commercial department; if any violations are found, it shall be investigated and dealt with by the industrial and commercial department; The catering industry uses illegal products and is handled by the food and drug supervision department. Consumers found illegal products in the course of their use and may report them to the above-mentioned departments.
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